39 The Stick
44 The Carrot

If wishes were horses...

Mostly Romance. Contemporary, Paranormal, Historical and Romantic Suspense. Also a little Urban Fantasy and Mystery.
Don't Make Me Make You Brownies (Romantic Comedy) - Nina Cordoba After her boss asks her to do a story on strippers because it's ratings gold, TV reporter Abbie decides to take all of her holidays and head down to Texas to reevaluate. While there she butts heads with her sexy neighbour Rick who is pretty much the epitome of everything she dislikes. He's a gas guzzling truck driving, meat eating, plastic bag using Texan lawyer.In fact, she would tell him where to stick the dog poop on the footpath if only she didn't get tied up in knots every time he was close. What I likedThere are some things I like in this book. The relationship between Abbie, Rick and his daughter for the most part works. Her battles with the home-owners association had potential which the author could have delved into a bit more, along with Abbie's volunteering for the ESL program teaching English to Mexican émigrés. When this book was good, when it focused on those things, it was really good.What I didn't likeAbbie's endless internal monologues. I wish they only made me yawn, but occasionally they actually made me wince. Using song lyrics (hurt so good, hit me with your best shot) in the aforementioned monologues was cringe worthy. The love story just wasn't working, it was overdone, with so many false starts I was feeling like a yoyo. I don't really get why every hero has to have the biggest penis the heroine has ever seen, but there was that too. I think if it wasn't for all of that, I might have rated this book 3.5 or maybe even 4 stars. With that, it goes down to 3 stars.