Damn Jam it––– Damn Jam it––– Damn Jam it––– Damn Jam it––– Damn Jam it––– Damn Jam it––– Damn Jam it––– Damn Jam it––– Damn Jam it––– ...Jam it!More to come later.So...three quarters of the way through the third book in the series the main character finally does something. Oh wait, no she didn't do anything. The series centers around Clare, Shane, Michael and Eve. A lot of things happen to them but what they do is mostly make bad decisions and complain.OK, I'm not the intended market...these books are aimed squarely at the young adults, and I think they're welcome to them. Rachel Caine may not be the greatest writer but she does show small glimpses of great story telling, get rid of all the teen angst and these would be books that anyone could enjoy.